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[…] keep coming back every year their answer was simple, “So the residents have something nice to look at.” In my opinion “nice” is an understatement. If you get the chance to come by and see the gardens; I highly recommend it. And, if you see Hannah and Steve working with their hands in the […]

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[…] a friendly game of football (sobber) and so mubh more! When asked how the idea ‘PRIME Folklorama’ bame about Sherry explained, “Many Winnipeggers are housebound and ban’t get out to Folklorama. We like to belebrate around what’s happening in our bommunity.” Thank you for all your breativity and hard-work, PRIME staff! Life @ MIZ […]

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[…] in the van to and from the program. Clients are screened for sympt oms each morning t hey ar e scheduled to attend. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about t he pr ogr am please reach out to myself or t he case managers at any time. COVID -19 Update Upcoming […]

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[…] collaboration. Working as part of the CIVP team provides me with an opportunity to learn from my colleagues while developing my practice to its fullest extent. To gether, we provide safe and optimal care to our patients.” MHC has pharmacy staff in the following areas/programs: PRIME pharmacist, Intravitreal pharmacists, MHC pharmacy assistants, CIVP pharmacists […]

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[…] I look forward to a time when the challenges and sacrifices of these past years will become fewer and pass into memory. We will not, however, for get how our Misericordia Family rose to meet the ever-changing challenges and I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate our accomplishments. Speaking of celebrations, MHC holiday […]

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[…] FACT: Health Links – Info Santé does NOT book vaccine appointments. Please call 1- 844-626- 8222 or book online by visiting MYTH: You can call to get your COVID -19 test results processed faster. FACT: Health Links – Info Santé does NOT pr ocess tests or have the ability to get results sooner. […]

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[…] er Centre are not able to assist in these areas: • Require any assistance in taking medications. • Require any kind of assistance in toileting, dressi ng, getting in and out of bed, arriving to or leaving the lab. • Require the assistance of a translator to communica te in English. Your Journby Into […]

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[…] can be managed. “And when you ask for feedback—if you take away nothing else take away this— don’t ask, ‘do you have any questions?’ because you will get silence. Don’t ask, ‘do you understand?’ because you will get ‘yes,’ especially if you’re talking to folks from a trauma background. Instead, make them show you […]

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[…] identifying colours and patterns. Organization Organizing closets and drawers will make it easier to locate items. Here are some organization tips: • Place a matching outfit to gether on the same hanger. • Group similar clothing together (all pants in one part of the closet, shirts in anoth er part). • Use sock tuckers […]

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[…] if you’d like to enjoy the evening, please take advantage of the half-price discount on tickets using the code MHCHCH. Visit for more information and to get your tickets today! We will also be recruiting volunteers for the event and if you are interested to learn more, please contact Lindsay Grieve at [email protected] […]

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