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[…] excited to see our shared commitment to excellence continue, and I look to the future with hope renewed by my Misericordia family. The ways you come to gether to strengthen and enhance patient health experiences and outcomes is truly something to celebrate. Caroline DeKeyster [email protected] WHAT’S YOUR DREAM MANITOBA DESTINATION? Kris Gladwell, President & […]

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[…] then it’s fear and many tears have been shed because you feel so helpless being so far away.” She is proud to see Ukrainian people, “come to gether in so many different ways,” to face the war and humanitarian crisis unfolding for refugees escaping the violence and for people who remain in cities now […]

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[…] 50/50 Grand Prize order for a chance to win $1,000 cash EVERY DAY in July and August with special prizes on the last day of each month! Get your tickets online at or call the Foundation office at 204.788.8458. And that’s not all – you can also try your luck on our Misericordia […]

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[…] read PRIORITY ONE in our strategic plan to learn more about what success will look like at Canada’s premier eye institute and how we are going to get there. Thank you! THANK YOU FOR GIVING THE GIFT OF ADVENTURE! Kris Gladwell, President & CEO MHC Foundation February’s Around the World: Home Is Where the […]

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[…] of the valued areas and opportunities for improvement are brought to the senior leadership team for sharing, awareness and review. I’m really enjoying these sessions – from getting to know staff on a more personal level to hearing some great ideas for areas of improvement. No idea is too small! At a recent session, […]

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[…] Yes No 4) Do you feel that you are more tired during the day than you should be? Yes No 5) Do you get strong urges to fall asleep during the day? Yes No 6) Do you fall asleep unintentionally during the day? Yes No If […]

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[…] annual MHC motorcycle show took place on Tuesday, June 19, behind Misericordia Place. We look forward to this yearly event where motorcycle riders display their bikes, answer questions, and enjoy some time outside with our residents. Thank you all for coming and helping us kick- off summer! Motorcycle Show Ellen Locke, Manager, Recreation A […]

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[…] MIZ A NEWSLETTER FOR MHC STAFF, PHYSICIANS & VOLUNTEERS 2 • Life @ MIZ KEEPING THE MUSIC ALIVE By Kelly Harris, Recreation Facilitator MP1 resident Bea Durupt gets together with her music partner Maya Kirstein, former recreation therapy student, University of Manitoba, every Wednesday to take a trip down memory lane: Bea with her […]

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[…] will be with you shortly.” She disappeared into another room and I thought to myself how polite she was. After my interview I returned home with fresh questions on my mind and Googled MHC for some additional research when I came across a picture of the woman who was so kind to me; a […]

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[…] of and is being appreciated by residents, families, staff and visitors of the chapel. This sculpture contains images of Mother Rosalie Cadron-Jetté, our founder and Ignace Bour get, a Bishop of Montreal who directed Rosalie to develop crisis accommodation for unwed mothers and was inspired to establish the religious community of the Sisters of […]

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