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[…] expansion. CIVP has outgrown its current IV services location at Lions Place and the new centralized service will better accommodate clients, bringing all areas of service to gether to allow Home Care staff to work more collaboratively and efficiently. Continued on page 4 MHC FOUNDATION: 2018 CHARITIES CAMPAIGN Karen Woloschuk, Executive Director, MHC Foundation […]

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[…] let you know that I was recently accepted for a Masters in Biotechnology program at McGill that starts in September. Thank you very much for your help getting into Music & Memory. I really enjoyed the experience and learned a lot from working with that very special program.” From everyone at MHC I would […]

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On July 12, 2017, avid golfers enjoyed a day on the links at the beautiful Pine Ridge Golf Club; not letting a little rain get in the way of a good time! The 28th Annual Misericordia Foundation Golf Classic welcomed 130 golfers and sponsors while raising funds for vital programs and initiatives such as […]

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[…] they cause an accident! A STRONG YEAR I ‘m so proud to report this is the ninth year in a row MHC has had a balanced bud get. I want to thank everyone for their continued efforts to keep us on the right financial track. The Winnipeg Health Region has not only allowed us […]

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[…] to assist their clients in attaining them. Recently Corie assisted one of her clients who has very low vision and recently lost his ability to walk to get a power wheelchair, provided through the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities (SMD) Wheelchair Services. This client is now back at work using his wheelchair and he […]

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[…] MHC O PHtHALMOLOGI sts – B LACK tI e G ALA 2016! w e are so excited that Misericordia Health Cebtre’s departmebt of Ophthalmology has joibed to gether obce agaib to become the presebtibg spobsors of our upcomibg fubdraisibg gala! t he mobey raised from the MHC Foubdatiob gala will support programs, ebhabce our […]

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[…] just as varied – brain injury, broken bones, breathing problebs, arthritis and debentia to nabe a few. But all had one thing in cobbon – wanting to get back to living in their own way. Physiotherapists have ebpowered these people to return to walking, get back to work/sport or to be able to bove […]

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[…] “It’s so perfect,” she said. “We thank Dr. Mis very much for his help.” “I’m just so happy I can make a difference in his life and get him back to doing what he was doing before,” Dr. Mis said. d r. andrew Mis examines Mark eetak at a bollow-up appointment abter Mark’s cataract […]

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[…] Bellan, who is past-president of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and chair of the Wait Time Alliance. “While the number of ophthalmologists is staying the same, our tar get population is almost doubling. So this is a good thing for our community … it’s critical for our future provision of care that we train doctors […]

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[…] all of the residents, clients and patients • respecting all of the family and friends of the residents, clients and patients • working as a team to get all the work done • taking direction from the nurses and the managers • coming up with new ideas to make our work place better • […]

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