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[…] dinners; creative decorations throughout our centre … and so much more. I know Christmas is always a time of giving and of sharing, but I feel truly fortunate to see our Mission of compassionate care in action every month of the year. I am inspired by the blessings Misericordia has received – not only […]

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[…] Her move back to Winnipeg in 2009 was driven by her fitness business Higher Level Fitness which she runs with her husband Vernis “Coach V” Blair. To gether they teach responsible health and self-care by helping clients practice the positive daily habits that work for their genetics, environment and lifestyle. Mary Ann came to […]

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[…] Her move back to Winnipeg in 2009 was driven by her fitness business Higher Level Fitness which she runs with her husband Vernis “Coach V” Blair. To gether they teach responsible health and self-care by helping clients practice the positive daily habits that work for their genetics, environment and lifestyle. Mary Ann came to […]

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[…] theworld whensheretired   ‐ while remaining a Blue Bombers season ticket holder ‐ and golfed weeklyuntilshewas 90. These daysMinnie is livingatMisericordia HealthCentre andstilld oesn’t miss aBombers gameon TV! What to bring: questions, notepads and pens, phones,cameras andTVcameras RSVP (Media Contact): Heidi Klaschka, DirectorofCommunications and Information Technology Tel: 204.788.8302 | Cell:204.791.4417 YOU’RE INVITED to Minnie’s Blue & Gold 101st […]

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[…] Take Medications as Prescribed Take your medications as prescribed by your health care provider. Monitor Y our Symptoms Check daily for signs that your heart failure is getting worse. Check for increasing shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling, or fatigue. Restrict Fluids Limit your fluid intake to 2 litres (8 cups) or less each […]

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[…] Misericordia Place. We have offered the flu shot to residents and staff. T he best way to avoid and stop the spread of flu is to: • get the flu shot • wash yo ur hands • stay hom e if you are sick • cover your cough For any questions about the flu, […]

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[…] de signate. As we ll, you may contact the Long Te rm Care Infection Prevention and Co n t r o l Co or dina t or at 204- 94 0-8554. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding . You can stay up- to-date with the latest evolving COVID -19 information by visiting .

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[…] provide regular phone updates and advise if there are any changes to your loved one’s health status. We are here to listen to you and answer any questions you may have. We will continue to work with you to support your loved ones, so please let us know if you have any suggestions! We […]

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[…] indoor public spaces, this includes Misericordia Place. Please wear a non-medical mask or face covering upon entering the facility. Read the FAQ for more information: sharedhealthmb.cafilescovid-19- masks-faq-sept-25-2020. pdf As the COVID-19 situation evolves, so will visitation guidelines at Misericordia Place. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Yours sincerely, Jennifer Taylor, Director, Long-Term Care 204-788-8451 […]

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[…] place/ We will con tinue to call families with updated information as r equired. All our contact information is below in my original message if you have questions. Please do feel free to call or email. Best, J ennifer Taylor, Director, Long-Term Care Oc tober 17, 2020 RE: COVID-19 positive resident at Misericordia Place […]

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