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[…] E Easy Street Eligibility Email a Resident Ethics Event Calendars Eye Care Centre of Excellence Eye Health F Family Updates FAQ Fees Focus on Falls Frequently Asked Questions G Glaucoma Greffe de cornée H Health Links – Info Santé Health Links – Info Santé Health Stories Heritage Collection History I Information L Laboratory Life […]

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[…] how another is feeling Being injured, being ill or experiencing a life event such as the death of a loved one can be very frightening. The numerous questions that need to be answered, the overwhelming emotions that can surface and the ways these life changing events can impact those we love can make us […]

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[…] for fact sheets related to nutrition in Long Term Care, Dementia, and End of Life. Meals in Long Term Care Homes Meals for people with Dementia Eating at End of Life If you wish to discuss any of these topics or have questions, please contact: Jayne Trojack, RD Clinical Nutrition Lead Phone: 204-788-8320 Email: [email protected]

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[…] l’intervention. Veuillez consulter le document suivant : Patient Guide Before Cataract Surgery (en anglais) ou Avant une chirurgie de la cataracte (en français). Si vous avez des questions à formuler à propos de cette information ou des directives, veuillez composer le 204-788-8531. Après l’intervention, vous allez recevoir sur papier des directives postopératoires bien précises. […]

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[…] milk and dairy products like cheese and yogurt as well as legumes, nuts, and seeds all provide high levels of quality protein. Cereals, grains, and some ve getables like green peas, potato, asparagus, and corn also provide dietary protein. Some manufacturers have added whey, soy or pea to boost the protein content in products […]

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[…] dressing/shield until the doctor removes it at your follow-up appointment. Medications Check with your eye doctor before resuming blood thinners Resume other medications as soon as you get home There is usually minimal discomfort the day of surgery. This may be due to a temporary rise in eye pressure. It is common to feel […]

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After Retinal Detachment AFTER RETINAL DETACHMENT SURGERY APRÈS UNE INTERVENTION CHIRURGICALE POUR UN DÉCOLLEMENT DE LA RÈTINE Medications Resume all your medications as soon as you get home. Mild pain may be relieved with medication such as Tylenol or extra-strength Tylenol. If you become constipated, take a mild laxative. Vision You may have the […]

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Test Post This is a test of the manual email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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Test Post 2 This is test #2 of the manual email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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Test Post 3 This is test #3 of the manual email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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