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[…] them to vets this holiday season. Rael Kulchycki, recreation coordinator, went above and beyond helping Gerrie write more than 100 cards and supplying her with extras. To gether, they have sent cards to long-term care residents at Deer Lodge Centre and veterans from the Occupational Stress Outpatient Clinic (those living with PTSD). Way to […]

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[…] Director, MHC Foundation Events are a big part of what we do at the Foundation – funds raised directly help support MHC. While we love coming to gether to celebrate and fundraise for a great cause, it’s apparent that our 2021 events must be re-imagined in order to run in a COVID-safe manner. We’ve […]

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[…] surveillance testing of sta ff. On average, about 15 staff mem bers are tested each day a clinic is o ffered. Some staff ar e electing to get test every week. We have not had a staff mem ber test positive for COVID-19 throughout this initi ative to date. We have testing dates set […]

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[…] access to corneal transplants, Health and Seniors Care Minister Heather Stefanson announced today. “Manitoba has continuously show n its commitment to improving health services so patients can get better care sooner,” said Stefanson. “The merger of Tissue Bank Manitoba with the Misericordia Eye Bank creates a singular organization dedicated to helping more patients receive […]

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[…] everyone, COVID -19: Please g et vaccinated! As Wave 3 washes over Manitoba, I’d like to take this opportunity to encourage residents ’ family and friends to get vaccin ated. T o make your COVID- 19 immunization app ointment, please call 1 -844 -626- 8222 or make your appointment online. Visiting reminder s W […]

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[…] wellness. “It’s wonderful for them. Some of them don’t have family members here, in Manitoba, so i t’s nice to be able to give them care and get them outside.” Beauty in bloom Misericordia residents, visitors and staff have a lovely space to enjoy fresh air and greenery. A special thank you to families […]

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[…] quoted as saying that her class had “no money” but that “He (Sam) was an Italian fellow and he was real nice to the nurses. We could get a coffee and donuts for 10 cents.” Bernice Fanning (Class of 1946) said, “Sam would keep tabs on what we ate and when we had a […]

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[…] damage the blood vessels of the eye and cause them to weaken and leak blo-od – this can lead – to blindness . bt is recommended you get your eyes screened once a year – or more frequently if required. Controlling blood sugar-s (between 4-8 mmol/L) is also- a good way to help- prevent […]

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[…] special instructions, DO NOT TOUCH the eye dressing until the doctor removes it at your follow-up appointment. Medications • Resume all your MEDICATIONS as soon as you get home. • Check with your eye doctor before resuming blood thinners. • There is usually minimal discomfort the day of surgery. Pain may be relieved with […]

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[…] their age or ability; Powerful Tools for Caregivers , which provides tools and techniques for caregivers to manage their own health while caring for loved ones; and Get Better Together , aimed at individuals who have chronic physical or mental health problems or support someone who does . Yours sincerely, Jennifer T aylor, Director, […]

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