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Test Post 4 This is test #4 of the manual email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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Test Post 5 This is test #5 of the InstaPush email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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This is test #6 of the InstaPush email send using the Newsletters plugin. Please reply to [email protected] if you get this.

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[…] Manitoba nursing students are working the phones as COVID-19 screeners at Health Links-Info Santé. “There’s a lot of uncertainty right now. There’s so many different places to get information from—just about everything you read on social media. A lot of people are anxious.” Thomas and other nursing students were redirected to help as screeners […]

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[…] doing her best to stay physically distanced from others, but it’s not always possible. As a senior technologist in MHC’s diagnostic imaging department she sometimes has to get close to patients, like when IVs are administered for an infused CT-scan. “The only way to see blood vessels is to enhance them with what we […]

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[…] Environmental Services The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world and health-care professionals are on the front lines. “I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life. You get used to doing things for decades,” said John Beilman, on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Misericordia. “Each cleaning staff member typically has their floor […]

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[…] to determine if someone requires a bi-level machine to help them breathe during sleep, and how to calibrate the machine for that patient. To allow patients to get their machines and go home, the team at Misericordia is remotely downloading data from the machines and visiting patients at hospitals to give them the help […]

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[…] of clients at Easy Street rehabilitation are now dealing with severe anxiety, brain fog, and fatigue. “It is quite debilitating,” Bruce said. “From not being able to get dressed in the morning to not being able to shower.” Bruce said treating long COVID patients is a complex and lengthy process. “It is impacting their […]

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[…] need to bring a completed Parent/Guardian consent form. The interview is an opportunity for us to find out more about you and for you to ask any questions you may have about volunteering at Misericordia. We will discuss placements based on your interests and our program needs. We will also discuss expectations of volunteers […]

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[…] of Misericordia, who live their motto daily, Compassion of the Heart for those in Need. Delivering the best quality care possible is our goal, however we cannot do this alone. If you have comments or questions about our care, we welcome your input and feedback. Yours sincerely, Caroline DeKeyster President & CEO President Caroline Dekeyster

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