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[…] a new lens implant and Thomas-Ljungberg’s eye is now stable with 20/ 25 vision. “I wasn’t sure I’d be able to see again,” said Thomas- Ljungberg. “I’m forever grateful to Dr. Stockl and his crew.” PHOTO/VIDEO OPPORTUNITY When: 11:30 a.m. Friday, January 26, 2018 Where: Ophthalmology Assessment Unit, 3 rd floor Cornish Building ( […]

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[…] a timeline of photo opp ortunities: 7:45 a.m. Ge tting ready in Misericordia’s ANGELTORIUM In MHC’s “angeltorium” – auditorium, Wolseley West entrance – staff will be trans formed into angels by putting on white gowns and wings over winter wear (not an easy task). Halos complete the outfit! 8:15 a.m. Angels, angels, everywhere Angels […]

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Miseric ordia Eye Care Centre open 24/7 for eye emergencies Eye emergency patients to enter through 99 Cornish Avenue entrance July 4, 2017 — Misericordia Health Centre (MHC) will continue to see patients with urgent eye issues 24 hours per day, 7 days a week . P atients will visit an assessment clinic within […]

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[…] angels are coming … It’s the m ost wonderful time of the year! #mhc #angelsquad What : Misericordia Health Centre Foundation’s Angel Squad is back in action for the 22nd year dressed in gowns, wings and halos to collect drive –by donations and spread the holiday spirit. When & Where : Monday , December […]

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[…] was an emotional and critical hit at the Winnipeg Fringe Festival this summer. Misericordia staff saw the show and convinced our Foundation it was a perfect fit for MHC’s long -term care programs and to share with the community our vision of he althy aging. In RibbitRePublic Theatre’s Minding Dad, Jon Paterson plays a […]

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[…] a copy of the Winnipeg Free Press and our grateful thanks. Our Christmas c ampaign goal is to raise $60,000 to replace the chairs and bedside tables for at least 50 residents in our interim -care unit. NEW: Angels are collecting donations Tues day, Dec. 3 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Shaftesbury Park […]

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[…] looking to improve the health of their employees is to provide treadmill workstations in place of chairs. However, the cost and the needed space of installing treadmills for every employee are prohibitive, especially in larger companies and businesses. Bouchard and her team have suggested a compromise: an office environment where only a handful of […]

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[…] at Misericordia Health Centre (MHC). The province invested $38 million in MHC’s phase one redevelopment, with an additional $5 million raised by the Misericordia Health Centre Foundation. For more than a centur y, Manitobans have turned to Misericordia Health Centre for high- quality health care,” said Health Minister Sharon Blady. “As a government committed […]

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[…] CARE H O M E PERSO N AL C ARE U N IT TRAN SITIO N AL Sum m er 2018 CARE RESPITE PROVINCIAL HEALTH CONTACT CENTRE For Seniors A Health Centre PRIM E September 2018 Opening IV PROGRAM COM MUNITY 2017 – 2018 • 973 donors • $1,079,088 raised to help enhance patient […]

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C.A.R.E. – Caution and Respect Everyday Provincial Healthcare Violence Prevention Program In formation for Patients and Families Our goal is to provide a safe and respectful environment for all our patients, staff and visitors. To help keep everyone safe, we screen all patients for potential aggression and violence. This allows us to plan your […]

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