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Hello Residents, Families and Visitors: We’re e xcited to inform you that compli mentary Wi -Fi is now available for visitors on all three floors of Misericordia Place. The Wi -Fi network is open and does not require a password. For assistance, please ask a Misericordia Place staff member.

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Attention All Patients COVID-19 Please notify a staff member immediately if you have: • Travelled internationally within 14 days prior to onset of illness • Come into contact with someone who has or is suspected of having coronavirus, OR • Had close contact with someone with flu -like symptoms who has travelled internationally within […]

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[…] T hursday Friday 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 Prim e of y our life fitne ss 1: 00 Bocce Ball Bingo 2: 00 Ping pong toss Te nzi Dice Prim e of y our life fitne ss […]

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[…] have the most up -to -date informa tion and programming. We appreciate your patience in our efforts to protect our residents, clients and each other as we work together to prevent the spread of COVID -19. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you require any other information. Thank you! Recreation Services 204- 788- 8499

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[…] 15, 2020 Hello everyone, I hope everyone was able to have lovely Mother’s Day weekend. We celebrated Mother’s Day at MHC with ice cream and fancy drinks for all Misericordia Place residents and Transitional Care Unit clients. I’m pleased to say we were able to schedule additional staff to meet the increased demand for […]

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May 21, 2020 Hello everyone, Just a note to let you know we’re excited Shared Health announced yesterday we can begin planning for outdoor visits at personal care homes: that means Misericordia Place! That’s wonderful news! This is the information sent out by the province: Work is underway to allow limited, outdoor visitation at […]

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[…] doo r Visitation d ur ing COVID -19 Across Canada, the risk that COVID -19 poses to the residents of personal care homes (PCHs) is clear. Ef forts to prevent, quickly identify and contain “outbreaks” of COVID -19 are vital to protecting populations that are most vulnerable to serious outcomes from this virus. To […]

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[…] virtual visits. W hile preventing the spread of this virus remains a central priority, the likelihood that COVID -19 will be a part of our ‘new normal’ for a longer duration requires us to find a longer -term balance that includes necessary preven tative measures and that allows safe forms of in teraction between […]

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[…] has been created. Upon arrival at the clinic, children and their parents/caregivers are taken to a play area where nurses explain their surgical procedure. Pediatric dentists per form procedures such as removing teeth, filling cavities and putting in crowns. Patients ride a toy car into surgery and recover in a soothing room with subdued […]

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[…] preventing the spread of this virus within Misericordia Place and MHC remains a central priority, the likelihood that COVID-19 will be a part of the ‘new normal’ for a longer duration required Shared Health to find a longer-term balance between preventative measures and the many benefits of ong oing interaction between residents and their […]

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