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[…] the Alumni and Misericordia Health Centre, is developing ways to inventory, store and display these artifacts so that our history can be truly appreciated. If you have questions or if you would like to donate to or see the Misericordia Heritage Collection, please contact Jo-Anne McNeil, Chair of the Heritage Planning & Policy Committee […]

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[…] at looking after themselves. My husband is a teacher and has been busy preparing learning packages for his students.” From home, Jen is able to answer many questions from concerned staff over the phone. She’s also been coordinating with her MHC colleague Dianne to screen staff and help provide important advice and recommendations and […]

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[…] it brings fear of one of the staff or patients getting ill (with COVID-19), and what that would mean.” Stacey says a lot of education, reassurance, answering questions and making sure they have appropriate personal protection equipment helps. So far, the virus has not shown up at the health centre. The biggest difference for […]

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[…] Brenda. She follows up: “Especially bleach is nasty any time, for anyone.” Brenda and the MHC Lungs team are here to help current and past clients with questions about their condition given COVID-19. These individuals already deal with respiratory symptoms. “We’re moving forward all the time – COVID-19 or not.” Keep COVID-19 informed by […]

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Frequently Asked Questions 1. Do I have to pay for PRIME? Yes, a fee will be determined based on your annual income. You do not pay for your health care, but you do pay for the excluded services not provided by Manitoba Health such as a portion of the transportation cost. 2. Do I […]

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[…] to keep the air / gas bubble in the right place. Please refer to the Patient Guide Before Vitrectomy Surgery – English or French. Should you have questions regarding any information on the instructions, call the Preoperative Assessment Clinic (POAC) at 204-788-8531. Refer to the instruction Guidelines Following Retinal Detachment or the Post-vitrectomy positioning […]

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[…] sont disponibles jour et nuit pour vous aider Ă  rĂ©soudre vos problèmes de santĂ©. Ligne d’assistance sur l’allaitement – Des infirmières sont disponibles pour rĂ©pondre Ă  vos questions concernant l’allaitement. TeleCARE / TĂ©lĂ©SOINS – Des infirmières et infirmiers fournissent des informations aux personnes atteintes de maladies chroniques. Dial-a-Dietitian – Des diĂ©tĂ©tistes agrĂ©Ă©(e)s vous aident […]

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[…] aide les personnes de tous âges Ă  comprendre comment les choix alimentaires peuvent amĂ©liorer leur santĂ© et prĂ©venir les maladies. Nos diĂ©tĂ©tistes agrĂ©Ă©(e)s peuvent rĂ©pondre Ă  vos questions sur la santĂ© nutritionnelle, le diabète, le cholestĂ©rol, la gestion du poids, la nutrition des nourrissons et des enfants, et bien plus encore! Le service est […]

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[…] l’allaitement est un service tĂ©lĂ©phonique gratuit et bilingue destinĂ© Ă  l’ensemble des Manitobain(e)s. Une infirmière autorisĂ©e vous Ă©valuera, vous soutiendra et vous guidera si vous avez des questions sur l’allaitement. Que vous commenciez Ă  allaiter ou que vous le fassiez depuis longtemps, nous sommes lĂ  pour vous aider, vous et votre bĂ©bĂ©, dans votre […]

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[…] Links – Info SantĂ© – Nurses available day or night to help you with any health-care concerns. Breastfeeding Hotline – Nurses ready to help answer your breastfeeding questions. TeleCARE/TĂ©lĂ©SOINS – Nurses providing education to people living with chronic disease. Dial-a-Dietitian – Registered dietitians supporting you in making healthy nutritional choices. The Provincial Health Contact Centre also […]

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