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[…] Miriam who has been hired as our full t ime Spiritual Health Advisor. Miriam was a student at MP and is familiar with many residents. Miriam in formed residents that the chapel cannot be used until further notice. There will be mass on the units every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. via video stream. Nurt […]

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[…] and/or a trusted staff member within the facility. Residents are aware that elder abuse is reportable. Breanne explained the reporting process and the role of the Protection for Persons in Care office. Residents were assured that all allegations of abuse are dealt with in a timely manner. Several residents noted that they have been […]

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[…] vaccinated” two weeks after your second COVID -19 immunization. Visitors continue to be defined by whether they are partners in client care versus those who are visiting for more social reasons. Essential Care Partners: a person the client identifies as their caregiver and are a pproved by our resident care managers. General Visitors : […]

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[…] sur les injections d’Avastin pour le traitement de la dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rescence maculaire Injections d’Avastin tm O ur heart. Your health. O ur heart. Y our health. The future of care The future of car e 99 Cornish Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba r 3c 1a 2 O ur heart. Your health. O ur heart. Y our […]

Read More August 31 , 2021 Hello everyone, It’s been wonderful to see visitors for our residents over the summer, and we thank you for following all our guidelines and safety procedures. At this time we are not anticipating any changes to visitations rules, which can be found listed in a family upd ate here […]

Read More September 30, 2021 A day to consider truth and reconciliation Today is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Misericordia is recognizing the day with a variety of activities and sharing learning materials. Please find below the President & CEO message sent to our staff this morning. What does truth and reconciliation mean […]

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[…] medical procedure in which gas or oil is inserted inside your eye as a replacement to a condensed and fibrous vitreous gel. A vitrectomy may be per formed to clear blood and debris from the eye, remove scar tissue, alleviate traction on the retina or repair a hole or wrinkle on the retina. How […]

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