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Search in pages January 21, 2022 MP3 open to designated caregivers again We are pleased to report that the resident who tested positive for COVID -19 on MP3 is doing well. There have been no other cases on MP3 or any other area of Misericordia Place, and we are now welcoming designated family caregivers back to […]

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[…] Days fundraising campaign? It’s back! Around the World 2022 is the Manitoba edition and will run throughout the month of February, Therapeutic Recreation month! We all look forward to the joys of summer, right? This year, as MHC residents and health- care workers continue to face pandemic challenges, dreams of sunshine and adventure are […]

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DECEMBER/JANUARY 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: GRATITUDE FOR FAMILY This time of the year is always an opportunity to consider past and present seasons and those things we can feel grateful for. Christmas, for me, has always meant family and memories of time spent together. These things are an abundant source of gratitude in my heart. […]

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[…] to 91 per cent! D esignated caregivers continue to be welcome to visit . No booking is necessary, and the nun s’ suite is also now available for those wishing not to visit the units . Celebrating our Mission For our annual Misericordia Mission Day on January 27, teams rolled treats to all areas […]

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D IODE L ASER P ROCEDURE P OST -O PERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS O PHTHALMOLOGIST ’S C O NTA CT INFO : 1. Leave dressing on the eye for four to si x hours (or as instructed by the ophthalmologist ). 2. Take al l medications as prescribed by the o phthalmologist. 3. For pain, take […]

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D IODE L ASER P ROCEDURE P OST -O PERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS O PHTHALMOLOGIST ’S C O NTA CT INFO : 1. Leave dressing on the eye for four to si x hours (or as instructed by the ophthalmologist ). 2. Take al l medications as prescribed by the o phthalmologist. 3. For pain, take […]

Read More March 1, 2022 Visitation updates As of today, p roof of vaccination is no longer required for designated caregivers or general visitors . All visitors will continue to be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID -19 and we ask that you do not come to Misericordia Place if you are experiencing symptoms […]

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