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1. Wash hands using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer. Shake the medication if directed. 2. Tilt head back and look at the ceiling. Gently pull down lower eyelid to form a pocket. 3. Gently squeeze one drop into pocket by: a) holding bottle above eye, or b) […]

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[…] April 5, 2023 Signage updates Throughout the spring we will be refreshing our signage at Misericordia Place . You may have already noticed the lovely new In formation Station at our 44 Furby entrance. Each floor will also have information stations and way -finding stations. As well, be sure to check out our quality […]

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[…] surgeries such as glaucoma, retinal, corneal transplants and strabismus. This is no small feat: we’re busy hiring new nursing and support staff to be able to per form these increased volumes. I know our ophthalmologists are equally excited to be able to offer more surgeries to meet our communities’ needs. The surgery volumes increase […]

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[…] help When you enroll in PRIME, a Case Manager will work closely with you to meet your needs and honour your wishes. PRIME You may be eligible for if you… • Are 65 or older • Live in the Winnipeg Health Region service area • Have complex medical, functional, cognitive and/or mental health issues […]

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[…] process determines if a patient needs a full sleep study or if a course of care can be achieved with a clinic visit. Patients come to us for help for sleep disorders that can have a profound impact in their health and well-being, including narcolepsy, insomnia and breathing problems during sleep. How it works […]

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Patient Guide Be fore Eye Surgery To assist you in your preparation for surgery, we request the following: 1. The night before your surgery DO NOT eat any solid food, smoke, chew gum or tobacco or drink alcohol. Please note: If you have had any food after midnight your surgery will be cancelled. 2. […]

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