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Guidelines following Corneal Graft Surgery Medications Resume all your MEDICATIONS as soon as you get home. Check with your eye doctor before resuming blood thinners. Mild pain may be relieved with medication such as Tylenol or extra-strength Tylenol. If you become constipated, take a mild laxative. Vision You may have the feeling of ‘something […]

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[…] is less common and is very different from open angle glaucoma in that the eye pressure usually goes up very fast. This happens when the drainage canals get blocked or covered over, like the clog in a sink when something is covering the drain. With angle closure glaucoma, the iris and cornea are not […]

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Access and Privacy By law, you have the right to access your personal health information with limited exceptions. The Personal Health Information Act ensures that you get timely access to your medical records and also requires that we keep your information private, safe and secure. Your personal health information is recorded information about you […]

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[…] “I was into sports, I loved sports, and then, when we got married, I said, ‘there’s no reason why you can’t ski.’” She went with him to get a skiing prosthesis and they ended up skiing at Banff together. Janet joined Misericordia as a volunteer 12 years ago after she retired from an almost […]

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[…] and resident vaccinations with the low level of cases at MHC throughout 2021—a message she wants everyone to heed. “More than anything, I greatly encourage people to get vaccinated so they can keep everyone safe—including staff, families and the residents that we care for.” Keep COVID-19 informed by visiting: #mhcfamily #healthcareheroesMB #covid19MB Woman […]

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[…] and some individuals have quite complex needs, so we require more time for assessment,” says David. For assessment, David will first see clients with their families to get a good sense of what can be provided to them at MHC and how we can help in all areas of life. He works collaboratively with […]

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[…] an extremely stressful and anxiety-inducing time, which can impact overall mental health. “I’ve tried to remain as calm as possible. At the end of the day, I get to go home to my family. I can’t imagine what it’s like to not be with loved ones right now.” Keep COVID-19 informed by visiting: […]

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[…] safety measures are in place.” As elective surgeries at Misericordia ramp back up, Sylvia jokes that her step count will be ramping up, too. “I’m excited to get back to traveling and doing optometry clinics. An optometry appointment can be a social event for many older adults.” Keep COVID-19 informed by visiting: #mhcfamily […]

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[…] burned out. “It’s hard to reassure people who fear the virus,” she notes while discussing the general anxiety of clients and their families. “We’ve always had to get creative and be open to problem-solving ideas. Right now, there’s an even higher need to think creatively.” While thinking critically and creatively is important, following precautions […]

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[…] maintain or repair just about any electronic device in the health centre, including laser thermometers, blood pressure units, patient monitors, surgical microscopes, anesthesia machines, defibrillators, slit lamps—you get the idea. And if Baruch can’t fix something, “I call the guys from the company,” he says. COVID-19 has not changed how he does his job, […]

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