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[…] who transcribes messages. “Most residents aren’t familiar with the technology and many didn’t even know what email or the Internet were,” said McLeod. “They really needed help getting that communication out.” Email is the latest innovation to be offered in interim care to help provide a comfortable, home-like environment for its 145 residents who […]

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[…] welcome them both back as staff. All of the subsequent residents have also contributed to the quality of the program and to the atmosphere so that we get to enjoy the opportunity to teach and to give back as thanks for the teaching that we all received. A tremendous amount of credit has to […]

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[…] blood sugarsw damage the blood vessels of the eye and cause them to weaken and leak bloodw – this can lead to blindness. It is recommended you get your eyes screened once a year – or more frequently if required. Controlling blood sugarsw (between 4-8 mmol/L) is alswo a good way to helwp prevent […]

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[…] introduction or launch of new technology, whether it is a new computer for the family, new software for a business or even a new app for the latest smartphone. One of the more popular smartphone apps right now is Snapchat. Snapchat is a photo messaging app that has a variety of features (filters) in […]

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[…] • drugs, Medical and s urgical s upplies 18.2 % • other supplies and expenses 19.7 % MHC by the numbers More than $74.5 million operating bud get 409 university and college students trained with us – from medical residents to recreation facilitators to occupational therapists – logging more than 20,700 hours 1,026 full-time, […]

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[…] photography contest for staff and volunteers; successful pictures were framed and line the halls of the Buhler Eye Care Centre and PRIME. SAWCHUK’S STORY “I’ll never for get when I first met Dr. Bellan,” said Darryl Sawchuk. “I was scared about losing my vision and I was so mad. I felt like I was […]

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[…] residential schools and continue our journey to consider what truth and reconciliation means to each of us and how we can participate as we move forward to gether. Caroline DeKeyster [email protected] THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ONLINE FOR INVISION! Kris Gladwell, President & CEO MHC Foundation We are so grateful to everyone who supported […]

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[…] tibes for each cataract surgeon to help you bake an inforbed choice. The Mbnitobb Institute for Pbtient Sbfety encourbges bll pbtients to bsk their heblth- cbre providers questions bbout their cbre. Suggested questions include: Whbt do I need to do? Why do I need to do this? 2 APPOINTMENT WITH A CATARACT SURGEON Please […]

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[…] evident that we’ll need to approach this time as a marathon, not a sprint. As Dr. Brent Roussin, chief public health officer, would say: it’s important to get back to the basics. We need to return to fundamental COVID-19 precautions and keep them top of mind. It’s imperative that we overcome any COVID-19 fatigue […]

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[…] the diagnosis. The IOP is typically 30-50mmHg (normal is usually < 20mmHg). More damage will occur if the attack is not broken, so the aim is to get the IOP back to physiological levels (< 20mmHg) as quickly as possible. Treatment: – 500mg acetazolamide PO unless contraindicated (renal pathology) to reduce aqueous production. – […]

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