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Ethics Factsheet & Referral Form

Nurse and patient hold hands

What is ethics?
Not all decisions or conflicts are ethical, but many are in health care. Ethics is about doing the right thing. Sometimes, it’s hard to know what that is. Careful thought and discussion can help. Ethics is a systematic way for making difficult decisions. Solving problems takes careful thought and discussion. You do not have to do it alone. There are tools, resources and strategies and supportive colleagues that can help.

Learn about Misericordia’s Health Ethics Committee:
Every day there are choices we make: some are routine and some are much more difficult. MHC’s Health Ethics Committee enhances the care/lives of patients, families and staff by facilitating sound ethical decision-making consistent with MHC’s Mission, vision, and values.
The ethics committee is available to:
• Patients who may have concerns about the appropriateness of their care
• Families and substitute decision-makers who may be called upon to provide direction to the care team based on the needs, values and preferences of the person they represent
• Staff, physicians, volunteers and legal advocates seeking to navigate their way through difficult options

What is an ethics consultation?
An ethics consultation is meant to help patients families and staff identify issues they are facing and develop recommendations for consideration. These recommendations are offered as guides for the parties involved, not mandatory decisions.
The most common reasons for asking for a consultation are:
• End-of-life care
• Consent and capacity of patients
• Disagreement about a patient’s goals
• Role of the substitute decision-maker
• Competing demands for resources

How to request a consultation:
Anyone can ask for a free, confidential consultation. Please fill out the form at top of page and choose a return option:
• Hand in at MHC’s Information Desk at 99 Cornish Avenue
• Mail to: MHC Health Ethics Committee, Misericordia Health Centre, 99 Cornish Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1A2
• Scan and email to [email protected]

Additional information: