Ambulatory Care Clinics
204-788-8090 • 204-772-1542 • EMAIL •
5,499 annual clinic visits

Orthopedic Clinic
Orthopedic specialists treat patients with conditions such as fractures, arthritis, soft tissue and repetitive use injury.
Treatments include casting, bracing and injections as well as providing referrals to diagnostic imaging services. Patients requiring more in-depth treatment are referred to surgical specialists.
Diabetic Foot Clinic
In this clinic patients are assessed for ulcers, Charcot foot fractures and other conditions affecting the foot related to diabetes. Treatment includes wound care and specialized total contact casting.
Specialists also help fit footwear designed to prevent and/or manage diabetic foot complications.
Minor Procedures Clinic
This ambulatory clinic provides family practice physicians and surgeons with clinical space to perform minor surgical procedures under local anesthetic such as cyst removal, trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome release.