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Jen Downie, Occupational Health

Occupational Health Nurse Jen Downie is self-isolating after returning from a trip to Florida

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world and health-care professionals are on the front lines.

COVID-19 has required Jen Downie to adjust her life for the time being.

The MHC occupational health nurse left for a family vacation to Florida in early March—before the outbreak started affecting Canadian lives very much.

“Nothing was really happening yet when we left, and then everything went bananas.”

They returned on March 17, and Jen has been working from home ever since.

“My priority is the health and safety of the staff at MHC,” said Jen, who is on day five of 14 days of isolation with her family.

“My kids are older (11 and 14) and are very good at looking after themselves. My husband is a teacher and has been busy preparing learning packages for his students.”

From home, Jen is able to answer many questions from concerned staff over the phone. She’s also been coordinating with her MHC colleague Dianne to screen staff and help provide important advice and recommendations and support.

The most important message she has for the staff at MHC right now is: “Stay home from work if you are sick, practice frequent hand washing and practice social distancing.”

Jen is looking forward to being back at MHC after her isolation

“I do feel a sense of community and connectedness as we all navigate this together. I am proud to be on staff at MHC and am so grateful to be able to contribute to the health and safety of the MHC family.”

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