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Kris Gladwell, MHC Foundation

Kris Gladwell

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world and health-care professionals are on the front lines.

“It’s truly an unprecedented time to be working in health care,” says Kris Gladwell, Executive Director of the Misericordia Health Centre Foundation, on the COVID-19 pandemic.

“In my 15 years so far working in health-care facilities, I’ve never experienced anything quite like this,” says Kris.

Kris was busy creating the strategic plan for the Foundation when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic. She knew that the Foundation as a team would have to pivot, and take on some new responsibilities to support MHC during this time.

In addition to her Foundation role, Kris is organizing and implementing entrance screening stations. She is working alongside clinical and security team members to ensure screening stations are staffed and running smoothly.

As the COVID-19 situation continued to unfold, Kris saw the need to launch a fundraising campaign to support areas of need at Misericordia.

“With visitor restrictions in place for long-term care, I saw the need to help prevent social isolation in older adults at Misericordia Place and Transitional Care. We’re raising money to purchase iPads for residents to FaceTime their loved ones.”

Along with long-term care as a main area of need, the volume of calls Health Links – Info Santé receives daily has increased almost ten-fold since COVID-19. And there’s a need to upgrade the call centre’s technology and provide education to new Health Links – Info Santé staff. 

Last, but not least, the demand on MHC health-care heroes is continually evolving.

“Front line staff at MHC are working for us, for the community at large. And they need our support more than ever. Right now, we are focusing on raising funds to keep them nourished.”

The COVID-19 Relief Fund supports all of these three greatest areas of need: long-term care, Health Links – Info Santé and our health-care heroes. 

“I urge everyone who is able, to make a donation. I’m thrilled to announce that the entire MHC Senior Leadership Team has made a gift to the COVID-19 Relief Fund,” says Kris.

To learn more about how you can support ongoing COVID-19 efforts at MHC, visit

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