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What happens when COVID-19 is discovered at MHC?

Woman at COVID screening station puts sanitizer on her hands

MHC has a solid process to respond to COVID-19 case discoveries, and a formidable professional team putting it into action.

Natalie Gibson, MHC’s Infection Control Professional, manages the prevention, detection and response of all communicable diseases, as well as the surveillance and detection of infections for all programs at MHC.

A positive case response begins by flagging the patient’s online WRHA record and notifying any other facilities the patient attended. Notifications are also directly made to Occupational Health at MHC and the WRHA Infection Control Program.

Natalie and her partner, Davilyn Cairns, continue a case response by going to the affected unit to do an investigation.

Natalie says they focus on contact tracing and preventing spread.

“We look at who have they been roomed with, have they shared any equipment, do they have meals with anyone in the dining room?”

Cases and close contacts are quarantined, and if two cases are found the unit goes into lockdown. Other steps include staff notifying family members, additional cleaning and new admissions are put on hold.

The response to COVID-19 cases is a team effort, Natalie says, one which includes all the staff at MP and the TCU units.

Since the 2020 outbreaks MHC has had very few cases, all if which came from the outside and were caught by COVID-19 screening done as part of the admission process.  Natalie credits staff and resident vaccinations with the low level of cases at MHC throughout 2021—a message she wants everyone to heed.

“More than anything, I greatly encourage people to get vaccinated so they can keep everyone safe—including staff, families and the residents that we care for.”

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