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Sleep Disorder Centre

204-788-8570  •   204-779-8657  •   EMAIL  •   FACTSHEET

A sleep disorder technician adjusts a sleep aid machine on a patient.

The Sleep Disorder Centre is made up of the provincial sleep disorders diagnostic laboratory, sleep clinic and treatment service.

Sleep specialist physicians from the University of Manitoba’s Section of Respirology, Department of Medicine, review more than 2,600 day and overnight sleep studies and more than 2,200 home sleep studies annually.

Specialists are helping Manitobans sleep better, assessing and treating more than 10,000 new and existing clients each year.


Coming to our Sleep Disorder Centre? You may receive a phone call to fill out one of the above questionnaires or forms.

For patient confidentiality, please do not email the forms to us. Please print the forms and bring with you to your appointment.

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