Urgent Eye Assessment Clinic
Eye Patient Handout – English
Ophthalmology guidelines for family physicians and EDs
Urgent Eye Assessment Clinic
Welcome to Misericordia’s Urgent Eye Assessment Clinic, where we assess patients with vision concerns and direct you to the proper care provider. We are staffed by a family physician and a nurse who perform basic eye assessments and treatments.
If your condition changes while you are waiting, please notify a staff member.

If you have an emergency eye issue with a risk of immediate loss of vision we will begin treatment and refer you to an ophthalmologist. You may see an ophthalmologist at Misericordia or at an on-call ophthalmologist’s office in Winnipeg.
Issues which may indicate an emergency:
• Severe eye pain
• Sudden loss or change in vision
• Chemical splash or burn to the eye
• Foreign body or injury to the eye
• Flashes of light in eye
• Sudden black floaters or spots
• Double vision or curtain in vision
If your concern is not an emergency, you may be assigned a same-day return appointment at Misericordia or directed to another care provider such as an optometrist or a walk-in clinic.
Please understand patients are seen in order of medical need, not order of arrival. This waiting room is used by multiple clinics and other patients may be seen ahead of you.
We appreciate your understanding.